Hello. Thanks yibyab for responding to my reply. Still a new player, but I appreciate you saying you would take questions. Also, this is for Mark also. Thanks for having this site. I just clicked on to a game with Mark, asked if I could ask questions along the way. I don't mean to make my move, but want to ask questions after the fact. Hope this is acceptable. It would be very valuable in the learning process..Back to the topic yibyab, I have seen that your active and quite successful on another site,and I'm wondering about the pie rule, but still a little early in my game play to woory about. You said the second player is at a disadvantage without it incase the first move is intentionally plundered. Is that strategy also? What does the first player do, percentage wise, play good or bad, when the pie rule is in effect? I've noticed on the other site, the second player does quite often, swap. Thanks again for the info. Thanks everyone.. Mikoyan, Phoenix, Stuvagen, mtbikesman, mark, and yibyab, thanks for the lessons. Many others to meet also. thanks, Dennis