stories of playing the board game back in the day
18 Apr 2016 7:50 PM
I had the good luck of buying the TwixT board game a little over two years ago on ebay in my endeavor of collecting board games. I had never heard of it, but I am definitely older than the game, so I just don't know. Since I love the game now, I have heard a few stories of people that played in their younger years. One was from a player who is no longer on the site, but when he talked about playing the board game with his family on the porch of their cabin along a river, you could hear the excitement in his words. "Even in the wind, the pegs on the board held up good", he said. "The rain hitting on the tin roof, it was great". Two players on this site, talk about playing the board game when they were growing up, now living in different parts of the country, and now are able to play, everyday, if they want to, on this site. Just some fantastic. If you have an experience to share about playing the board game, take a few minutes and post it. I think it's very interesting. Thanks, and take care.
18 Apr 2016 9:57 PM
I bought my Twixt board game from a local store when I was college during the early 70's.  The 'Bookcase' style packaging immediately caught my attention and is still one of my favorite game packaging styles.  It is a well thought out design.  I played others in my dorm while at college, but never found anyone to really play against afterwards.  I also purchased another 3M bookshelf game called 'Ploy' which is somewhat of a variation of chess.
18 Apr 2016 10:24 PM
Thanks jgeis. That's what I like to hear. How people found out about the game.
07 May 2016 2:33 PM
I was a high school freshman back in 1967. At the chess club, a girl had a 3M set and introduced me to my addiction. She won, but I took longer to defeat than she was expecting. She was a bit anxious because she wanted to catch her bus home. There were four of us at that club who enjoyed playing Twixt instead of chess. In college I found a few opponents, but generally not so much, because no one wanted to lose to me. A strong chess player offered me a bet, $50 if I could win 50 consecutive games. I turned him down. I was pretty good then, but I knew I wasn't *that* good. The Internet has provided me with opponents strong enough to teach me how to play really well. My first Net games were on]Gamerz. Back in 1991 it had no graphic interface, and play was by email using monospace text graphics. You had to type in the move coordinates AND your password with every move. Now it's a very decent interface, as you can see if you click on the above link. By now I have played well over 2000 Net games, maybe as many as 3000. I hope to play thousands more.
18 Jul 2016 10:27 PM
My story is similar to Peyrol's.  I learned the game after leaving the Navy in '78 and enjoyed it.  I bought the bookshelf version and after a few years, lost the game due to moving to a new home.  For many years I missed playing the game until one day I was playing chess online and thought to myself, Twixt would lend itself well to a computer played game.  I started searching and found Little Golem.

Peyrol kicked my butt many many times before I gained enough experience to give him a challenge.  He is still a better player than I, so I savor the victories when I am able to win a game from him.
30 May 2017 4:26 AM
I actually only just barely learned TWIXT the summer of 2014 while deployed with the USAF.  Another Airman introduced me to the website  We tried most of the games on that site and enjoyed most of the chess variations.  One day we tried out TWIXT and were hooked.  We probably played 3-5 games a day for months, or so it felt.  Only the two of us gained interest in TWIXT from our Squadron.  It was probably slow progression from the outside looking in, but we were evenly matched.  In our endeavors to get better, my friend found this site and grew exponentially over a short period of time.  The only way to keep up was to join this site, and how grateful I am now!  For I no longer have only 1 opponent, but many!
03 Jun 2017 8:40 AM
i was a good friend of alex randolph, the inventor of twixt and hundreds of other games - but on hid tomb in venice it reads - alex randolph, the inventor of twixt........
05 Aug 2018 7:24 PM
My mother bought me the original game back when those style games were on the shelves in every store that sold games. I had others by the same manufacturer, Facts in Five comes to mind. But none appealed to me as Twixt did. I thoroughly enjoyed it. But, alas no one wants to play if they lose the first time.

The board was held together by one piece of scotch tape. Mine has only just recently fallen apart and needed to be replaced. I am brand new to this group and have made a few silly blunders not understanding the etiquette or having played the game against the computer failed to realize I was black now. But I'll catch on I hope and we can all enjoy playing together now.

I have had a few opponents on my original game who have proven themselves worthy opponents. I still have my original game.
28 Jun 2020 8:49 PM
I was introduced to the game while I still lived in Atlanta in the mid 70s. I got to be pretty good among our small group of players. But, the group broke up after about 6 months when one couple took a job transfer out of state. I bought a copy of the board game, but no one would play me more than a game or two, because I would win easily. And then I was transferred to NJ in '78.

Fast forward forty years ...

I'm in NH now. When I first started playing here in early '16, I was more than a bit surprised to lose (nearly?) every game. After a short while, I figured out that it wasn't because I was having trouble "knocking off 40 years of rust," but because the level of play here is far above that of our little group back in the 70s.

I've since learned to play better. It's a very simple game to play. There's basically only one move. But, it's surprisingly challenging to play well.
28 Jul 2020 4:30 PM
In middle school my best friends older brother played Twixt. He was really smart and loved board games like "Richthofen's War". I spent lots of time at there house and he taught me to play. I really liked it, but totally forgot about it until I saw a 14 year old kid playing it at a friends house. He reminded me how to play and we played a game. I thought it would be fun to see if there was an online community as I enjoy the game "Pente" online. I was excited to find this place. Now if I can learn to get competitive. We will see.
08 Dec 2020 6:07 PM
i got the brod game from a action im, the best in the house and the only human that plays it in the house i play with pets at twixt its fun (kind of)
18 Dec 2020 11:41 PM
I got my game from a quwincon action with my dad and beged him for Twxt wich is an amzing game then since no one would play it with me i decided to see if it was onlie and found this amazing website.
11 Jan 2021 3:45 AM
In the mid 70s my parents were just married and the oil crisis struck, creating the "autoloze zondagen" (car-less Sundays; to reduce gas consumption). At that time, 3M published 2 games, which my parents bought: Twixt and Acquire. At about 10 years of age (mid 80s), my father taught me Twixt: explaining the basic rules, beating me in the game and explaining his tactics. We didn't play it that much (as far as I remember), but I have some very good memories of rainy winter Sunday's playing with my dad. In the next 30 years, I occasionally played Twixt against a newcomer to the game, which always was in my opinion always an easy win. Now that my own son is 9 years old, I picked up the game and searched online for bots (, communities (found this and Little Golem), Twixt puzzles (found and general game tactics (couldn't find it).

Since yesterday I'm hooked again and I'm in awe of the proficiency level at which games that are played. It feels like Go, playing mainly with the pegs and rarely placing any links (e.g game 62829 by bob440 and Mark). This is more like an "claim your area"-approach than the "create a chain"-approach.

I really hope to learn a lot. So far, the community on this site seems really friendly and open. Cheers for that! And of course thanks to Mark for creating and maintaining this site. Cheers again! ;-)
28 Jan 2021 2:21 PM
I got Twixt as a Christmas gift from my parents in the early 90s I think. I grow up in Malmö in southern Sweden and I don't remember that I knew anyone else that had this game. I played a bit with my brother if I remember correctly. I don't think I have played for 20 years, but I have always had this game in my memory. Of some reason (Corona) I found this website and now I am playing again!
24 May 2021 2:28 PM
ironically i got the twixt board game after being bored of chess and i searched a closet that our family keeps our games in. well low and behold (literally, on the bottom shelf) was a red box with an old man and vietnam war soldiers and it stated in big red letters "TwixT" so i pulled out the red imitated leather box and busted out the vintage game and got playing. and here i am.
26 Aug 2021 10:53 AM
A highpoint for me was playing Alex Randolf, the inventor of the game. A real gentleman.
16 Apr 2022 2:12 AM
My father worked at 3M-Germany in the 70´s and we owned many of the 3M-Games. Twixt was the best but I only could play against my Father (great brother didn´t like to loose against me). Father died and I had no Partner for many years. I tried with my wife and the children but they were not amused.
In the old 3M-game I found a handwritten sheet of paper from my father, translated: This is a shitty game. My son always wins.
07 Jun 2022 1:58 PM
Around a year ago, I was browsing a shop in Nashville and found a TwixT board. I knew I had to get it because of the style of the box and I fell in love with the strategy involved with it. Wanting to play it with others but having nobody willing to, I found this website.
21 Jul 2022 12:58 PM
We had this game when I was a kid. My clearest memory? My brother would chew on the pieces, both the posts and the spans! I think he might have our old board, but I haven't seen it. I appreciate whoever wrote the code for this one!
I get tired of chess . . . . and Reversi. Play those at gamesforthebrain (dot) com.
17 Aug 2022 8:11 PM
I played the Bookshelf games from 3M when I was stationed at Soesterburg AFB, The Netherlands, in 1970, ‘71. We had maybe 5 different games and spent hours playing. I loved Twixt because it was a one on one or partners.
I’m looking forward to my first game in over 50 years. I bought a Twixt board game from eBay years ago but nobody was interested in playing! Now that I’ve found this Twixt site, I’m going to have some fun again. I got my game face on!
08 Jan 2023 11:30 PM
I don't recall when I first played Twixt. However, I can say that my copy is an original 3M Bookshelf Games edition, with a copyright date of 1962, so it prolly belonged to one of my parents or older siblings before I took custody of it.
05 Aug 2024 9:24 AM
We always had Twixt at the house growing up in ‘70s and ‘80s, not sure where it came from. Like others I enjoyed playing but couldn’t often find players. I’ve always been interested in how what games people enjoy and are proficient at relate to other areas of strength in their life. At my company everyone takes an attributes test and one of the dimensions is ‘strategic’ - I introduced the game to few people who scored exceptionally high on that and found a new community of players. I just found this site couple of months ago and loving it, really appreciate the work that went into it and would love to contribute any way I can to the community!
05 Aug 2024 9:24 AM
We always had Twixt at the house growing up in ‘70s and ‘80s, not sure where it came from. Like others I enjoyed playing but couldn’t often find players. I’ve always been interested in how what games people enjoy and are proficient at relate to other areas of strength in their life. At my company everyone takes an attributes test and one of the dimensions is ‘strategic’ - I introduced the game to few people who scored exceptionally high on that and found a new community of players. I just found this site couple of months ago and loving it, really appreciate the work that went into it and would love to contribute any way I can to the community!